Sunday, August 19, 2007

God moments/everyday sacred

We all have them. You know, those moments when you’ve observed something that makes you catch your breath. I have had many. Most of them happen when I am deep in thought about the latest crisis in my life. Most of them involve nature.

The secret, reality of the natural world lets me in for a glimpse. It is this fraternal order that invites me to a meeting, but better. A deer trots across the road in front of me. A bald eagle wings it’s way overhead. A raccoon family sneeks into the green leaves that will hide them. Rabbits sit like statues and then lope for home. A pair of pileated woodpeckers peck at a dead alder tree. A coyote watches around the corner before he disappears.

I call them God moments. These encounters allow me to forget my all important self. I often say that God gave me that moment to remember…i am here… He is near…all will be well. My tearful belief that I am alone evaporates. My spirit stores the connection. Later I can revisit the awe and to my joy I find that it has lost none of it’s glow.

Not too long ago, we (Beagle and I) had trudged through day after day and started to notice the absence of a God moment. "Where are you, God?" And I knew, before I had finished my question, He is always near. He is in the crow as much as the eagle. The squirrel reveals Him as often as the rabbit.

Someone said. "The trouble with life is that it is so daily"
Can you imagine the loss if life stopped it’s dailiness, it’s seasons? I would start to ask again "Where are you, God?". And again I would know the answer. He is near, here in the rare and the common, in the natural and the unnatural. I am going to try to notice and store the common everyday sacred along with the God moments.

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